Studio Policies

1544 Chickamauga Ln., Long Grove, IL 60047
Tel: 847-220-6410

Piano Lessons: Lessons can be 30-60 minutes in length, with 45 minutes being the norm. Instruction covers performance, technique, music theory, ear training and other related activities.

Attendance and Missed Lessons: Lessons are scheduled for regular weekly attendance and promptness is expected. If a lesson is missed because of illness, it is considered an excused absence only if the teacher is notified by noon of the day of the lesson (or a day earlier for morning lessons). Private lessons missed for reasons other than illness will need advanced notice of at least 48 hours, and will be made-up at the discretion of the teacher. There will be no refunds for missed lessons otherwise. Lessons missed by myself will be rescheduled.

Practice: Students are enrolled with the understanding that they will practice a minimum of five days a week, and that they have access to a piano. Suggested daily practice requirements are as follows:

• Students up to grade 5: at least 30 minutes a day
• Students in grades 6-8: at least 45 minutes a day
• Students in grades 9-12: at least one hour a day

I cannot emphasize enough the benefits of regular daily practice for steady improvement. Also to help develop good discipline and working habits, it is recommended to schedule a steady practice time for every day of the week, even when involved in other activities.

Payment: Payment is expected on a monthly basis, payable prior to the first lesson of the month. Late fees will be assessed on late payments.

Parents are welcome to attend lessons with prior notice. Parent conferences or progress reports will be given at the end of each term.

Application Form for Study

click here to see a printable version of the Application Form.